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June 2022 formula update

Writer's picture: joanmannjoanmann

Zambia Mission Fund – Canada

Milk formula – Distribution 20th June 2022

We praise God for the wonderful weather. In the last 3 or 4 days, the weather has warmed up. However, the nights are chilly. The weather is unpredictable. The metrological department earlier indicated that Central and Southern Africa would experience severe coldness due to the sun that was further in its orbit. We are yet to see.


This is another poor harvest year for Zambia. Already some communities are starving. I, Wilson Siaziolo, am the Food Relief Coordinator at Namwianga Mission. I have gone to Kalomo, Zimba, and Sinazongwe districts to assess the food situation. It is sad to say most communities are in need of food relief already.

The biggest worry among the parents is how they will survive the hunger situation as well as send their children to school. A few parents who planted sunflowers are the only ones who shall have an income from the sales of this crop. Besides food shortages, there is also a water crisis in some places. The rains stopped too early. As matter of fact, some people get their water by digging in the river beds. (**a note here to clarify that at this time ZMFC is aware of crop failure for many but has not yet established a food relief program, whereas Namwianga Mission has.)

Oment was brought by his father on the bike. It was interesting seeing him holding the handlebars comfortably. Oment’s father was fortunate that half of his maize fields did well. He will have enough for consumption but not for sale. He told us he has started gardening in order to support his family.

Sargent Simangamu is our newest baby on the milk program. His young mother had sore breasts, so much that one breast was operated on. The doctor advised her not to continue breastfeeding the child. They struggled to buy formula for 4 months until Mrs. Siandunda advised her to bring the child to Seven Fountains to seek help. The father is a farm worker in Mukwela area, not far from us. She disclosed they earn very little and could not adequately provide for their child.

Wow, look at Nasbata, so healthy and strong! His aunt brought him. She works as a housemaid for a family in Kalomo. Her husband had some issues at court and has not been doing as much odd job work as before. However, the aunt is happy she can earn some income. The uncle requested an additional month on the program due to financial challenges. His request was accepted.

This is Lameck. He was brought by his father along with his grandmother. We were happy to meet the grandmother who takes care of Lameck in the absence of the father. Her name is Eneless Mumbe. She lost her husband in 2011. Since then, she has been staying with her son whose wife died 2 years ago. His maize crop didn’t do well. However, he managed to harvest enough to see him and his mother and 9 other members of the family until the end of the year. They also harvested some sunflowers which they want to sell so they can have some cash.

Today should have been the last month for Lameck on the milk program but after hearing the father’s story the team decided to continue until such a time when they will have enough food.

Nancy advised the grandmother to feed the boy vegetable and beans soup since the boy cannot chew food. The father was urged to take his son back to the hospital to seek more help.

Malala’s milk allocation was collected by her aunt. Her mother was unable to come because she was attending a funeral.

· Beauty’s grandmother collected for two mothers and was assisted with transport money back. She said her maize crop did not make it. She now worries about how she will support her family. She has started working in her garden. However, she cannot sell her vegetables due to the poor market in her village because everyone grows vegetables. Due to the long distance, she cannot bring her products to Kalomo.

· The one on the right is Justin’s father. He was also given 12 tins to last for two months due to the long distance. He says he was able to gather enough maize for consumption to last for the next 10 months. He also managed to harvest some sunflowers to sell.

The following did not show up today. They might come tomorrow.

· Luyando and Lushomo

· Beauty #2 has been absent from the program. The father is not providing enough information, therefore, we have decided to remove her from the program. Besides she is big enough to eat nsima and vegetables.

· Lindiwe and Mashel did not come. No report was given from the parents. Since the parents are employed they only receive ½ the usual allotment of tins per month.

Our faithful followers!

Nancy, Wilson and team continue with their gentle & soul-ful care for our sweet babies and their families.

We appreciate your prayers – and for this month its not hard to see what our prayer focus needs to be!

Jesus says “For I was hungry, and you fed me. I was thirsty, and you gave me a drink. I was a stranger, and you invited me into your home”.


The Zambian and Canadian team!

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