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Bringing the love of Jesus to orphans + disadvantaged children in Southern Zambia

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115 students 
sponsored in 2023


45 communities

Provided with seed and fertilizer


12 babies

provided with formula in 2023

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What We Do


Student Sponsorship

Our student sponsorship program has several criteria:  financial need, academic ability, a willingness to participate in volunteering, and a willingness to attend Church.   Approximately 100 pupils from Kalomo High School and Namwianga Christian Secondary School are in this program.  


When students enter the program their pictures are taken and sent to their Canadian sponsors.  These pupils become a closely knit group within the larger student body at their high school.   They hold one another accountable and encourage each other to succeed.  Their families are part of the ‘team’, too, making sure that they are serious about the opportunity given to them to attend high school.


Seed + Fertilizer Program

Maize is the staple ‘filler’ in much of Africa.   It is ground into flour and prepared as porridge for the morning meal.    Later in the day it is prepared like a thick cream of wheat and served with vegetables and if available, some protein (beans, lentils or meat).   This field was planted with seed provided within the seed and fertilizer program.   It will be used to feed the vulnerable within the community.  


In more recent years encouragement has been given to plant sorghum and sunflowers.    These crops are more resilient to drought and seed can be saved.  


Food Relief:  Related to this program is food relief.   Thankfully, food relief is only required when the rainy season is erratic and this was the case in late 2018/early 2019.   Southern Zambia experienced a significant loss of food in 2019 and ZMFC purchased food which was distributed to over forty communities.


Milk Formula Program

In Zambia, the maternal mortality rate is 183 deaths per 100,000 live births. In Canada, the maternal mortality rate is 8.3 deaths per 100,000 live births.

When the mother dies or cannot breastfeed the family steps in to assist, but sometimes cannot afford to buy the milk formula.

Each third Monday of the month approximately 10 infants receive milk formula and much more at 7 Fountains Farm, by Nancy S. and her team.  

As the family member and baby visit 7FF monthly, supportive relationships are developed. The baby is weighed, “under 5 card” is checked to ensure immunizations are kept up to date, milk is distributed, photos taken, time is spent in spiritual encouragement, singing of spiritual songs and refreshments are shared.


ZMFC supplies milk formula and much more than just giving out tins of milk!


Community Schools

In the Kalomo district there are over ninety schools providing education for students from pre-school to Grade 9, inclusive.   ZMFC supports five of these schools:  Siabalumbi, Nalabumba, Butale, Good Hope and Seven Fountains.    Support has included physical infrastructure:  classroom blocks, housing for teachers, toilets, boreholes, and classroom furniture, including a computer lab at each school.   It also includes support for teachers to ensure each grade has a dedicated teacher.   Each school also has a Bible teacher who helps the pupils to know Jesus through the teaching of God's Word, and assistance for specific needs within families.   Additionally, a lunch program is in place at each school to ensure all pupils are nourished.    At the end of each school year class results are published for the district and ZMFC supported schools rank well!    

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We value and are committed to Our Lord Jesus Christ

We value children and their families

We value Christian education

We value the history and culture of Zambia

We value good stewardship of time, health and finances

We value team work and collaboration

We value honesty and transparency

We value independence and sustainability

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